The new and exciting "starling resistant " adapters and doors are now being installed on all of Frank's Purple Martin Houses are now available.

Starling Resistant Plate Info Click Here

Fitted to your old houses, ordered and installed by you or Frank. Details and order form soon, along with the NEW photo gallery. You may contact Frank from the info below in the mean time.

NEW Photo Gallery of Houses and Gourds..!!!! CLiCK HeRE... !!

Frank Prekup builds some of the best Purple Martin Houses on the eastern shore. The Purple Martin depends upon man for their housing, they are almost solely dependant on man since the deforestation of it's natural habit has occurred. The Purple Martin winters in South America and migrates north to the Eastern United States in the spring. It is the largest of the North American swallows, blue-back above and beneath. Whether or not you are "birder", amateur or professional, or an ornithologist, you'll enjoy having the Purple Martins in your backyard. Every spring they make their way north arriving along the east coast and parts of the mid west to settle in and find places to breed. Providing houses for them facilitates their need. Just like any animal, basic needs of housing, food, water, and protection from predators will help them have a successful reproduction cycle.

Purple Martins are a migratory species.    The Martins travel from South America to North America every year.   Avid enthusiasts mark the beginning of Spring with their arrival and actively particiapate in a "Pruple Martin Watch" communicating through phone calls, emails, and news letters the annual arrival and nesting

FOOD of the Purple Martins.   They eat flying insects and lots of them. Everything from moths to wasps to horseflies. They even eat mosquitos. So, other than esthetic reasons, they are great to have around.

 NESTING and HOUSING.     This is where you and Frank Prekup come in to the picture. Two basic types are the gourd and the man-made housing that Frank Prekup builds and maintains. Frank's houses facilitate many of the important features to maintain a Martin colony, and he also grows gourds for them. One advantage of a man made house is the ability to clean it out every year. Parasites such as lice, blowflies, and mites invade the nests and will cause problems. Removing the old nest every year will prevent this infestation. Apparently using a little cedar shavings will also help control this problem. Also suggested is the placing of diatomaceous earth around the outside perimeter of the nest. The building of a house should have in its design predator prevention. The rooms should be deep enough so that owls cannot reach in, and there should be many rooms, often up to 12 and more is not uncommon. The Martins enjoy having lots of their kind around, and don't mind going 'condo!' But if the rooms are to be large as they should be, having many rooms will entail quite a large and heavy structure. A suggestion is to have another house and use hanging gourds. I'll leave the specifics to the pro's like Frank, and you can find more about different designs in the library and the internet.

Arrival times for the Purple Martins  ranges from mid March to mid April, sightings in Hampton, Virginia, and the Midwest, are around March 19th; and areas in the Midwest such as Montreal are around April 17th, and Tonawanda (New York) April 27th. This has to do with the ambient air temperatures and the particulars of each season.

How Can Frank Prekup help You?

A very important aspect of the Purple Martin houses is the design and placement. Frank Prekup has developed a sure fire design, a 90's version of the age old concept, involving telescoping poles for ease of maintenance and adjustment. He will also help you with location of the house which is also very important. Not too close, not too far... a slightly open area, and proximity to your human home, because the Martins DO like humans, they see us as predator eliminator.

Frank will custom build a Martin House for you, or you can purchase one of his stock models.

In addition, Frank can also rebuild one of your existing houses if it is not properly designed.

Call Frank Prekup at 1-302-684-4436
Visit Frank on FACEBOOK

Or write him....
Mr. Frank Prekup
22406 Saw Mill Rd.
Milton, De. 19968

This page created June 1997

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Frank Prekup's Puple Martin Houses is owned by Frank Prekup
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