Where and How to Go
Late- 40' Capt. Larry Richardson at 410-749-8764 Arno- 35' Capt. Walt Austin at 410-289-9125 Bag of Tricks- 38' Capt. Glenn Butts at 888-289-2130 Billfisher- 60' Capt Scott Walker at 410-289-9090 Box Lunch- 42' Capts Craig Ziegler & Robby Paquette at 800-210-0023 Commocean- 53' Capt Jim Swagler at 410-213-7579 Bill- 50' Dollar Capt Cale Layton at 800-452-3459 Dream 50' Merchant- Capt Torn Seitz at 410-289-4449 Elixer- 57' Capt Pat Kelly at 800-322-3065 Fish Hunter- 53' Capt Gary Stamm at 410-213-2972 Fishin Mission- 53' Capt Jim Hudson at 800-640-7037 Foul Hook- 35' Capt Paul McWilliams at 410-289-7438 Good Vibrations- 44' Capt Rob Grodzicki at 302-292-8731 Hang 'em High- 50' Capt Jack Falcucci at 410-289- FISH Hooked Up- 40' Capt Torn Baldwin at 800-279-1315 Huntress- 45' Capt Bud Tingle at 410-289-7438 Infinity- 48' Capt Charlie Burns at 410-213-7506 Last Call- 46' Capt Frank Pettolina at 410-289-1915 Last Look- 48' Capt Ben Gilbreth at 410-213-2154 Lisa- 31' Capt Stu Windsor at 800-422-2301 MR Ducks- 45' Capt Albert Simpson at 410-289-9125 Memory Maker- 42' Capt Marty Moran at 800-we-catch MoJo- Capt 43' Joe O'Boyle at 410-213-0835 Muff Diver- 46' Capt Joe Riley at 800-243-0342 My Sanity- 35' Capt Wally Waynick at 410-289-6491 Nancy Ann- 42' Capt Terry Hardesty at 410-289-7438 On Call- 32' Capt Bill Mitcherling at 410-323-3908 Reel Relief- 55' Capt Mike Baulsir at 888- fishtrip Sand Dollar V- 33' Capt S. McGinnis at 410-289-7438 Stand Up Girl- 38' Capt Brad Martin at 410-465-9124 Trashman- 40' Capt Butch Davis at 410-289-8551 Two Fools- 42' Capt Bill Wolfe at 301-773-8551 Virginia- 35' Capt Fred Phillips at 410-524-7823 Waterdog- 45' Capt Tom Henry at 800-787-FISH Wireless- 50' Capt Kevin Cheetam at 888-874-6653 |