Blue Crabs — Chesapeake Bay & Its Tidal Tributaries


April 1 through December 15.

Harvest Restrictions

The recreational harvest of female hard crabs or peelers is not permitted.

Time of Day

Day of Week

No recreational crabbing is allowed on Wednesdays except:

Minimum Size Limits
(measured from tip to tip of spikes)

It is Illegal for a Recreational Crabber:

The Amount of Gear Allowed for Unlicensed and Licensed Recreational Crabbing

License Status

Handlines and Dip Nets

Crab Pots on Private Property


Collapsible Traps and Net Rings


Eel Pots



A maximum of 2 registered crab pots per property regardless of the number of owners or lessees.

For additional information on registration, labeling, pot dimensions and turtle excluder devices see the Crab Pot Section.

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed



  • Up to 1200ft*
  • Must have floats of the same color, size, shape on each end
  • Floats must be marked with your DNRid
  • Up to 30 traps, rings or combination of both*
  • Must be marked with a buoy bearing your DNRid unless attached to a pier, wharf or boat
  • Traps must have a flat bottom measuring no more than 20 inches by 15 inches and have no more than four articulated sides
  • Net rings must have a diameter less than or equal to 30 inches
  • Mesh cannot be greater than ¼”
  • Cannot exceed 50’ in width and 5’ in height
  • Must be emptied from shore
  • Up to 10 eel pots for catching your own bait
  • Must be labeled with your DNRid and may not be set in a buoy-free channel

Daily Creel/Possession Limits

The recreational harvest of female hard crabs or female peeler crabs in not permitted.


Daily Creel / Possession Limit

Male Hard Crabs

Male Peelers, Soft crabs or combination

Unlicensed Individual

  • From shore
  • From unlicensed boat
  • From waterfront crab pots

2 dozen

1 dozen

Licensed Individual

  • From shore
  • From unlicensed boat
  • From waterfront crab pots

1 bushel

2 dozen

Boat Limits

Unlicensed BOAT

With 2 or more unlicensed

4 dozen

1 dozen

With 1 licensee and any number of unlicensed individuals

1 bushel

2 dozen

With 2 or more licensees and any number of unlicensed individuals

2 bushels

2 dozen

Licensed BOAT

  • With 1 or more unlicensed
  • With 1 licensee
  • With owner and any number of unlicensed individuals

1 bushel

2 dozen

  • With 2 or more licensees with any number of unlicensed individuals
  • With a licensee who is not the owner and any number of unlicensed individuals

2 bushels

2 dozen