2016 Maryland International Kite Exposition
April 29th to May 1st 2016         Friday-Sunday 9am-9pm
2016 Mid-Atlantic Sport Kite Championships 

This wonderful exposition and competition will take place along the Boardwalk Downtown flying kites along the beach.  There will be demonstrations of stunt and power kites, free children's games and activities.   ALL FREE
The Maryland International Kite Expo        
Kite Loft Sponsor Phone: 410-289-7855

Entertainment, Live Music
and other great festivals going
on in Ocean City and the Beach

Click on the RED Compulsory Categories for Interesting Info !! 
NIP: DI-05 DI-07 DI-08 DI-09 DI-15 DI-17
EIP/MIP: DI-09 DI-13 DI-19      
NMP: MI-04 MI-13 MI-15 MI-18 MI-19 MI-20
EMP/MMP: MI-04 MI-16 MI-18      
CPP: DP-03 DP-07 DP-11 DP-14 DP-15 DP-17
OTP: DT-02 DT-03 DT-04 DT-08 DT-11 DT-16
OPMP: MP-03 MP-06 MP-07 MP-10 MP-12 MP-18
OTMP: MT-01 MT-04 MT-07 MT-08 MT-09 MT-11
Event Schedule of Competition Event Sport Kite Championship
Friday, April 29th- Maryland International Kite Expo begins!
Sport Kite Demo                   5th St
MASKC – all day                    5th St
Giant Kite Show                    4th St
Learn To Fly – All Day           6th St
Saturday, April 30th
8:30 AM Pre-flight meeting
9:00 AM MIP - Masters Individual Precision
10:00 AM EIP - Experienced Individual Precision
11:00 AM OPMP/OPMB - Open Multiline Pairs Precision/Ballet
12:00 PM OIOU - Open Individual Outdoor Unlimited
1:00 PM CMB - Combined Multi-Line Ballet (All classes)
2:00 PM CPB/OTB/OTT - Combined Pairs Dual-Line Ballet/Open Team Dual-Line Ballet/Open Team Train
Sunday, May 1st
8:30 AM Pre-Flight Meeting
9:00 AM CMP - Combined Multi-Line Precision (all classes)
10:00 AM NIB - Novice Individual Precision
11:00 AM CPP/OTP - Combined Pairs/Open Team Dual-Line Precision
12:00 PM EIB/NIB - Experienced/Novice Individual Dual-Line Ballet
1:00 PM MIB - Masters Individual Ballet
2:00 PM Awards Ceremony on the field